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Albeit forever branded a Slovakian, due to my place of birth, I became British in 1983 and I relinquished my Czecho-Slovak citizenship in 1985 for political reasons and out of loyalty to my new home country, Britain, where I envisaged to stay living for the rest of my life.

I had a German mother and an Austro-Hungarian father. As a child I was multilingual and I became an above-nationally minded pacifistic person. As a UK business management scientist, based on an Anglo-German study, I have proven the benefits to be derived from a constructive collaboration between different cultures of nations and with the result bringing synergistic results. This line of thinking was alien to Anglo-Saxons who only believe in pursuing economic aims globally.

Any form of Nazism as practiced in Britain is strange and repulsive to me. It damages the country and demeans every individual who in his or her ignorance subscribes to it. Contemporary British Nazism, which I saw focused against people from Eastern Europe, is fuelled by internal forces responsible for the British economic decline, that blame it on foreigners entering, while not as much as considering the effect which British economic expansion abroad brings to those peoples at home. Large numbers emigrate as an alternative to an on-going economic and social genocide. If the uneducated, work shy and criminally minded favour specifically Britain, perhaps the British authorities should ask themselves, why. The anti-discrimination and equality laws seem to protect people of different races and homosexuals, but they do not include ordinary people from Eastern Europe, who seem to be left open to abuse. There could not be a better example to show this, than mine.

I was educated and keen to work and most of my life I was forced on the dole, because the Brits would not tolerate a so-called foreigner with abilities, they themselves do not have, even if it means having to damage common interests. When I attempted to defended myelf, I became a possibly unprecedented target of orchestrated hate with all layers of the society and all mainstream media taking part, the aim of which was my complete annihilation. Only God was on my side.